Tuesday, July 27, 2021

 on Neu! imitators...

they can be entertaining enough, but at the end of the day, it's old Neu!s innit? 

whereas the original...

So how come alt-Neu! still sounds neu-er than nu-Neu?

The paradox of modernism - the Breakthrough, suspended for all time thanks to the 20th Century miracle of recording, recreates the original moment of emergence and insurgence each time you listen (or look, or read). Is somehow eternally new, like fresh-picked fruit flash-frozen.

Flaubert's Madame Bovary startled me awake, when I read it for the first time last year -  even though all its innovations have been long assimilated and rendered second-nature commonplaces in subsequent fiction.

(I also feel that the groups reactivating - if not quite reenacting  -  the breakthroughs made by other earliers, have evaded all the hard work that went into actually breaking through into the new / Neu!. Their undoubted youthful energy masks an idleness (an Idles-ness, even). They have started with the outcome of the process, rather than instigating an equivalent new-generative process themselves. 

Saturday, July 24, 2021

"It's promotion. But you get asked questions you'd only answer under psychoanalysis."

- Kate Bush, on doing interviews

Sunday, July 18, 2021

 "Just A Cunt in A Clown Suit would be a perfect memoir title, or epitaph, for Bowie - and many other people.  

"Sometimes I think we're all clowns, all lost and trapped in our own ridiculous obsessions and self-importances -  but I guess if we could achieve some kind of above-it-all 'true' perspective, then we wouldn't be human. Or at least, it would be impossible to function - everything would seem futile. 

"On the cosmic scale, being obsessed with the minutiae of musical subcultures that are ephemeral, or sports, or whatever microworld of culture or fashion or writing or aesthetics that you want to nominate - it's really not that much different than being obsessed with Shakespeare or the Ancient Greeks or Rembrandt or Beethoven.  It all will pass, all of it is very parochial and fleeting in the enormity of time-space. The importance is the excitement and urgent feeling of life that it gives you in that moment. The quickening"

Thursday, July 15, 2021

 “A work of art should also be ‘an object difficult to pick up.’ It must protect itself from vulgar pawing, which tarnishes and disfigures it. It should be made of such a shape that people don’t know which way to hold it, which embarrasses and irritates the critics, incites them to be rude, but keeps it fresh. The less it’s understood, the slower it opens its petals, the later it will fade.” - Jean Cocteau

 this blog now closed because of problems with the feed - archive remains here but posting resumes here at Thinkige Kru 2 https://thinkigek...